Monday, June 30, 2014

June 30, 2014

Some of these are from last Monday but she had run out of time and didn't get a chance to send them.
 She is at the top of the heart on the left

 Left hand side in the pink and black

 SHe sent this one with the message that she has lost 40 pounds so far. 
She is pretty excited! haha

 She says she is loving the peppers down there. Kind of weird for her.
 Not a hot ans spicy kind of girl. 

 Her and her Companion Hermana Christie

 These are the two little guys she talks about in her letters 
that were baptized this last Saturday.

 Nacho Libre!!

Holding Oaxaca in her hand she said then she said well kind of. haha

She is such a cutie!!

This one made me laugh! ♥

Her companion on a rather wet day. hahaha

June 30, 2014
I love you! So much. The love and support I know that I have at home is helping me to progress in the work of the Lord more and more everyday. My heart is so full of peace when I remember my Savior. I know that He lives. I know it with all of my being. I know that the power of the Atonement is REAL and changes lives every single day and prepares people to return to live with our Father in Heaven again. 

Marcos and Julio were baptized this Saturday. It was the most amazing thing. There was a lot of drama right before the baptism though. Their dad Aresteo was all of the sudden really against the boys getting baptized. We were walking to the church with the boys and we saw Aresteo standing in front of the church all angry and strict looking, and when he saw us he just said, Marcos, Julio, ben. (come) We went inside to give him some privacy with his sons since we could tell that he didn't want us there. We ended up teaching this guy George a lesson in the church but the whole lesson i was just thinking about the boys. I was so worried for them. We went back out front and there were a few members and the elders in our ward talking to him trying to get him to see reason. And then the mom Natalia showed up and she is really in tune with the spirit and wants the boys to get baptized and so we ended up delaying the baptism for like an hour trying to get things get cleared up. That day and the next we saw such a change in Aresteo. He knows the feeling of the spirit now. he just says how proud he is of his boys and he says that he´s repented himself and is so grateful for the feeling he has of being forgiven and he´s glad that he didn´t stop this amazing thing from happening to his boys. It was so great. He experienced a true change of heart by seeing the faithfulness of his sons and the strong spirit of his wife, Natalia. I´m so grateful for the love that Christ has for us. and me, personally. I really have had to depend on Him so much out here and I know that my relationship with Him is only going to grow as I continue seeing so many miracles here in Oaxaca.

We've had some crazy rain, some crazy heat, and some crazy creatures in our apartment. We have a lizard. He´s our friend. He´s just a little guy that lives behind our fridge and makes a weird noise once in a while.... I love the strange culture and things I see here in Oaxaca. 

Dad, I´m so grateful I get to be with our family for all eternity. Eternity is a really long time. And this life, it´s only a blink of an eye. Today is the day that I changed for the better. I sometimes have really hard times... but the only way that I get through those times, is with the help of the Savior. He has felt every doubt, fear, pain, and heartache we have ever felt, ever will feel, and more. He descended below all things... I can´t explain in words what the Savior has done for us, for me, for you. I know with all of my being that this gospel is true, that it´s important. I love you Dad. I miss you. Judo chop.

Mom, I´m so glad that we have the opportunity to be together forever.... I have so many days where I just think, wow. Someday, this is going to be over and all of the things that suck are going to be some of the best stories I have. You're going to think in 15 months, Wow I can't believe my angels coming home. The time really did fly. Don't get discouraged I beg of you. I'll be back. I love you so much. I miss ya, keep the faith. Your sweet cheeks

Katie, my sweet bubbas. I love you more than life. I am so glad your such a happy girl. It makes it easier to be in Oaxaca when I think about you and the fact that your helping to hold the fort down there in Idaho. Go jump on the tramp and do some cool tricks for me. I love you baby girl. love yaya.

I hope Cameron is doing well. I pray for him every day. 
I pray for the safety of all of you lovely people that i love so much.

God loves you, I love you, Stay classy
Love Hermana Idioma.

Monday, June 23, 2014

1 mes down!!!

Graffiti is like the coolest thing here in Mexico. The coolest people graffiti. When you do cool graffiti, you´re cool. I saw a really cool graffiti art this week... ¨The Rolling Stones.¨ Man, I can´t get over how gangster people are here. 
Anyways.... This week was the best week I´ve had so far, First of all it contained the hardest day I´ve ever had. Which made me grow so much. The Savior glues you together when you fall apart and honestly, His glue makes you stronger. Bring it on world! I´m glued together!! I would encourage everybody and their dog to study the Atonement. The atonement is the heart of the gospel and will bless your life so much. I don´t care if you don´t think you´re doing anything wrong in your life. That´s not all that the Atonement is. It is so much more and you WILL be a better person when you study and ponder and truly learn about our Saviors atoning sacrifice.
Thank you so much for all of the emails from home this week! It made me feel super loved and I love hearing about home. Nothing is better than knowing that everything is good at home. I have nightmares that horsey park is going to explode.... Whatever you do, do NOT buy a boa and run around horsey park with it on your shoulders... only bad things happen. Just promise me. Thanks.
Marcos and Julio are getting baptized this Saturday! That is going to be the cutest thing ever. I love those two boys. They´re going to sing their favorite song with us ¨Que Hermosa la Mañana¨ 
Anyways, I ran out of time!!! 
I love this work. When it´s a bad day, that´s all it is. Because it´s a pretty good life.
Love you so much
Quidense mucho!
Hermana Walmart.

She got to go see the ruins today. She loved it!

Monday, June 16, 2014

June 9-16 2014

She didn't get to write a big letter for everyone but I will share some of what she wrote to us.

One of her favorites for this week was getting to do a session at the temple.
"Oh it was beautiful. I had english headphones so it wasn't as overwhelming. I also had an english lady at the veil. The lord is making sure I'm not too overwhelmed at every turn and I'm so grateful." -Alexys

She sent a Happy Father's Day Picture for Craig

 And a Happy Birthday one for me. 

Her and her Companion have been sick. Something they ate. She didn't say much about it but I saw a couple pictures of her comp with an I.V. in her arm. They ate something that gave them an infection in their throats. She says they are both doing a lot better but keep them in your prayers that they continue to heal.

Here is her miracle of the week -
"so miracle of the week: Natalia and Aristeo both got jobs. Aristeo is apparently already a member. Marcos paid tithing. Julio got Sundays off of work ( as did Marcos ) Natalie and Aristeo found different jobs that don't make them work on the Sabbath. and They are finally going to be able to get married because they have jobs and then they'll be baptized and then they'll have callings and everything is just great with that family. I love them to death. they are so kind and loving and willing to serve."

If you remember last week or the week before she talked about this family. I'm so happy for the family and that Alexys could witness such an awesome thing. Remember that Marcos is the 9 year old son and Julio is 10. She sent a picture of her nails that Marcos painted.
She says she does not have a way to remove it. haha 

She has been adjusting to the culture and mission life and having a hard time of it. She shared this from her journal this week

"A hermana was talking to me today, she could tell that i wasn't myself. She gave me a scripture to read. and it changed my life. hebrews 10:35-39   Don't give up on God. Don't you dare turn your back on Him... ...I've been studying the atonement and I really think that is why i'm still here. i was reading today and this sentence popped out at me. Christ, figuratively speaking, talking to me: No matter what the world throws at you; no matter what you suffer, no matter what temptations you face- I faced it all and more... And that just made me realize how selfish I really am. I am not the most important here. I'm a servant for my God. and servants don't think about themselves. they think about the people they're in charge of. get to work Alexys. you're wasting precious time, you're wasting God's time. He's only asked you to give Him 18 dedicated months. and you've been moping for 2. Get yourself together, forget yourself, remember Christ, and go to work. Just do it. Nike told you to. -love ME p.s. I just looked at my favorite picture of Katie and smiled instead of cried.

She is going to be great! It's hard to know she is struggling but I know she can do this. God knows she can do this. If you have not written to her lately please do. She needs to hear from those that love her. She sends all her love to you.

Monday, June 9, 2014


To all of the people that I love so much,
So it rains here... A lot. it starts at around 2 and then it doesn't stop until we´re sleeping like babies because we´re so exhausted. I´m just damp like all of the time though. So that´s a party. I´m getting pretty fit... I just walk around preachin the word like a guera (white girl) and barely eat anything. But I´m never hungry. The only thing I've really grown to love here is the fruit. and the cheese, the cheese is divine. hijole...(wow) They also make fresh juice which I absolutely adore. I can´t wait until I can learn how to make it. I´m in love with all of the plants, flowers, and trees here. it makes this place look beautiful when there´s a beautiful plant in the front of a rusty house...I met a Mexican Mr. Blower the other day.... that really wigged me out...
The people love it when I sing... So I´m getting better at just singing on the spot now. They even want me to do it in English so that´s nice since I still am not very good with spanish. But I´ll get there... Especially if all of you spanish speaking RMs help me out like you said you would! You know who you are.... yes. I´m talking to you. 
There´s this old guy here named Franklin that wrote our names on a felt frame of a mirror... so he wouldn't forget. My name is Hermana Ildoma.... (language or speech?) hahaha I love him. We also have a menos activo (less active) named Abundio that looks like the ¨dead¨ guy on Nacho Libre. I've seen some of the spots from Nacho here. I can´t wait till I get to go to the ruins which should be soon. 
So We have an investigator family that is having a hard time right now. they can´t find a job. and they need a job to get money so that they can get married so that they can finally get baptized. they are so faithful. They've been such a strength to me Their names are Natalia and Aristeo, and their boys names are Marcos and Julio. I love little Marcos. He´s 9 and just thinks that I´m the best. He´s just cute. He´ll give me hugs and draw me pictures and he always tries to help me with my Español. He´s a cutie.
This is still the hardest work, But I´m going to do this. I´m going to study my guts out and do the best I can for these people so that when it comes to be my time to be judged before God I won´t be ashamed. And I´ll have brought souls with me. In order for that to happen though I need my Savior. And that is because I will never be perfect. But I can strive to become more like Christ more and more each day, hour, minute, and second. Stay focused on the goal of Eternity: not tomorrow, not 10 years or 25. Eternity. And grin and bare it until you get there. you can do it with the lord on your side. Love others, serve them, and make it a priority to bring as many souls as you can with you to the truth. <-- that´s my goal.
I love you all, I´m out of time. But just know that I miss you. 
Quidense, (Cuidense?) (take care of yourselves)
Hermana Womack

 The streets of downtown Oaxaca

 Apartment on Pdays


Holy cow.... I´M HERE!! This is he absolute hardest thing I have ever done... haha Seriously. I absolutely hate that I can´t communicate with these people that I already love so much, but I adore beyond belief everything else!! I wrote everything I want to say in my journal but I left my journal at the house to go to Centro. I live in a colony called Atoyac. It´s a hill. there are a bunch of colonies around that make up our area. But I live in Xoxo cotlan (ho ho clan) The people here are so incredible. They´re just so humble and gracious. I appreciate more what I have back home now than I ever have in my entire life, and I´m sorry for that. I used a white toilet for the first time since the airport today. Most of them are maroon or blue... haha. bet you really wanted to know that. But our toilet doesn't flush without a bucket... and that really bugs me for some odd reason.... I just really like flushing toilets apparently. Entonces.... I met my Mexican family last night... They´re amazing. Marianna and Jacob. I love them. Marianna can speak just a little English and Jacob gave me a well needed blessing. They´re so understanding and willing to help me. It´s the most annoying thing to not be able to say some of the things that I really would like to. I think I´ll learn fast just because I´m stubborn and I´m really specific with my wording... haha. pero si.... they´re incredible. It has rained... my oh my has it rained.... My area is como a hill casi. but anyways... the streets turn into a river when it rains..... it´s craziness. and above our house it get´s really steep so when we go up there for investigators and tracting we get a really good workout. haha I have some good pictures but i can´t figure out how to work it... because everything is in Spanish. haha someday, America, someday Oaxaca will teach me their language. Watchout. I have had some disgusting food. But I've also had some really amazing food. I know just who to ask to become a culinary genius when I learn how to speak. I´ll be cooking so much amazing food next lake powell trip. You´re all gonna freak out. I got a dearelder from last month from L.T. I got it while I was at the MTC but you wouldn't believe how much better my day went after I got that!! He talked about Caroll Honas and the other guy´s secret love affair from local news eight. Eastern Idaho scandall.... I laughed my guts out. It was a good letter. It boosted my spirits! I will cherish it for the rest of my life.... (intense stare...) haha. 
Yesterday at church, I met 3 people that think they can speak English. I love them. The people here are really reaching out and accepting me as one of their own and I am so grateful for that. One of the 3 calls me Sister Potatoes. hahaha He´s a hoot.. Here, when you say Hola or walk into a room, you individually go to everybody shake their hand give a hug and a kiss on the cheek and have a long lengthy conversation. so the men, I just shake hands with but I have kissed more cheeks here than I ever have.... haha cheeks... 
Entonces, I´ve had to take the head in lessons. Wow my spanish is rough. but people are so nice. they just do their best not to laugh I think. but ya know it´s okay. One of our investigators, Natalia finally learned that I really don´t understand her when she talks. Yesterday we had a good-simple- talk about it and she just looked sad for me and told me that she would try to help me. Love it. The people talk seriously fast here. it's so crazy!! I get dizzy just trying to catch phrases to write down.
Today was so fun though. We went to centro and I bought a few cultural awesome things. I love everything here. It's just cool. Even though there is garbage EVERYWHERE!! That really grosses me out. I just want to go around for the rest of my misión with garbage bags and clean up this place. it would smell better and honestly the wáter would probably be better and then i would be famous and wouldn't have to speak Spanish at all ;) haha in my dreams. Even though people here think I'm like super exotic.... I'm apparently pretty attractive here in Oaxaca. It's a Little embarrassing. Haha. GUERA, GUERA!! (WHITE GIRL, WHITE GIRL!!) That is what I hear most every day. haha I should just say, Mande? haha They would be so confused... oh, she speaks.
I am going to have to send a letter soon so that I can really tell you all that's going on round these parts. But for now, my compa's name is Christine Galvan. She's great.

I hope with all of my heart that everybody has a great time at lake Powell! cry now and get it over with since I know you miss me ;)

Hug, hug. Kiss, kiss.
Hna. Womack

p.s. I saw so many awesome things today.... the pictures are incredíble.


Love this girl ♥

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

First full day in Mexico!

SAying goodbye to the MTC Companions and meeting new ones. =)

I'm assuming this is her new companion. 
They look like they will have fun together. 
 Mission President and wife.
They will be leaving in a month. 
Alexys' group was the last group they would receive. 

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

First Day in Mexico

 Alexys was put right to work and didn't have a lot of time to email. Her P-day will be on Mondays so our first real mission field letter will not be till next week. Here is a little of what she was able to write today. She is having some culture shock I think.

Hola! Im here in Oaxaca! I have my new companion and I'm in my área. I'm safe, I don't know Spanish and my mouth is on fire and Im just sweating, but its okay! I'll figure it out! I'm in an área on a hill so I'll be getting my exercise. I'm close to the misión home and i will get to go to the temple sometimes... its definitely a culture shock. but my comp is from California and she can speak english. I'm sad to have left my ccm hermanas. my pday is on Monday! so I'll talk to you again then.
I love you more than ever, Hna Womack

A second Email

I got to Oaxaca really late last night and I am exhausted. but I actually start missionary work today. how loco is that? I can't wait to fall asleep tonight.
It's hot here.... it's really hot. I'm just sweating... haha I'm going to look like an angel these next 16 1/2 months... haha. Hermana Bowman and I placed our first book of mormon on the flight and we taught a lesson and committed him to read the Book of Mormon and pray- he said that he would and we're going to keep in contact with him. He was a life saver in customs last night too.
My first food down here was a hamburger. it was the best hamburger I have ever eaten. we ate that at about midnight and then we didn't get to bed until probably 2. That was a party.... let me tell you. I really miss ice already. and flushing toilets. haha oh well! let my adventure begin!
wish me luck! I'm praying for you!
I love you so much
hna womack

What a crazy experience she is starting today. =) Pray for her to adjust to her mission. She needs them. -Debi